Polski.info – a new platform for learning the second most widely used Slavic language is here!

„Mówisz po polsku?” If your answer is still „nie” and you are interested in learning this lively Slavic language, there is now a great opportunity for you! Education@Internet, in cooperation with a team of international partners, has created an online educational platform for learning the Polish language at polski.info. Self-taught language learners all around the world will find this to be a fantastic resource. Out of curiosity – did you know that Polish is the second most widely used Slavic language in the world? It has almost 50 million speakers!

Learning aided by the use of the Internet is one of the simplest and most efficient ways of learning, both generally, and with regards to languages. Polski.info, an interactive learning platform helps users to acquire the basics of the Polish language. It is entirely free, online, and effective. The platform is particularly suitable for non-Poles who would like to learn how to speak Polish, and also learn more about the country of Poland – with its rich European history and culture. The platform includes basic information about life in Poland, Polish traditions, and the language used in everyday communication. The materials available on polski.info allow users to learn how to communicate in Polish, to help to understand the Poles and their lives, and it may even boost their chances on the job market.

What does the portal offer and how has it come to existence?

The polski.info portal contains a Polish course at A1 and A2 level (including an introductory pronunciation lesson), a grammar guide as well as a dictionary with an audio recording of correct pronunciation. The platform also includes multimedia materials, interactive exercises, texts or a forum offering users the opportunity to use practical language to communicate with each other. Level A1 consists of 22 lessons, while level A2 contains 20 of them. Each lesson offers users the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the cultural specifications related with the topic as well as to explore specific grammatical phenomenon in a broader context.

Thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, the portal was created as a result of cooperation between the following six international partner organisations:

When will the platform be ready for use?

Most of the platform is ready right now! Only the final parts of the A2 course are still being finished off. These will become available by the end of August, making the platform fully functional. You can sign up and explore the platform by clicking on this link. The FB page of the portal, shares interesting facts about the Polish culture and language, as well as quizzes and even tongue twisters. If you are interested in learning or simply learning about the Polish language then make sure to visit the new portal at www.polski.info!

The NGO Education@Internet started exploring the educational possibilities of the internet as early as 2002 when it released a platform for learning the simplest language in the world – Esperanto. Since then it has also made e-learning platforms available for the Russian, Slovak and German languages.


Peter Baláž



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