Polish Online

The interactive e-learning platform polski.info will help you to learn the basic elements of Polish – the second most widely spoken Slavic language after Russian – and all of that […]


The purpose of this project is to offer teachers educational strategies for cosmopolitan engagement, diversity education, philosophical inquiry as well as the practical employment of these principles in classrooms. The […]

Traveller between wor(l)ds

This project (2016-2019) is a free-of-charge application for multilingual children from the age of five. It helps children develop their vocabulary and practice reading and writing. Children who use one […]

Russian Online

A website for self-learning Russian, modeled on the successes of Slovake.eu, Deutsch.info, Mluvtecesky.net and other websites. It contains a complete course for levels A1 and A2, dictionaries, grammar articles, and […]

IpuS – Let’s talk about Porno

This provocatively named project aims to draw attention to the dangers of online pornography and sexting for children and teenagers. Sexting is the mutual sending and receiving of intimate photos […]

Schau hin

This project acts as a continuation of the project “Cybermobbing”, extending the content of cyberhelp.eu to cover modern issues such as sexting and personal data protection, problems which pose the […]


A multilingual website to teach the Slovak language to foreigners. The project is supported by the EU agency EACEA (“Lifelong learning” program) and was launched in March 2011. The website […]


“Cybermobbing” is one of our projects which are unrelated to learning languages. During two years, a multilingual website will be created with instructions, information and warnings about the dangers of […]


This project comprises the creation of a website to teach a the Czech language at the general A1 and A2 levels, as well as through a B1 level course specially […]

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