Education@Internet (E@I) is an international team that conducts online projects, that first became active in 1999. Drawing upon the team’s expertise, E@I was legally constituted in 2005 as a politically-neutral and non-governmental youth organisation.
E@I’s vision is that of a world in harmony and peace, in which all citizens may communicate worldwide with ease and speed.
E@I’s activities are conducted in accordance with this vision, and with the help of an international group of volunteers. These activities comprise organising and supporting projects which disseminate the importance and usefulness of unbarred international communication.
Basic information
E@I is a civic association registered on 14/11/2005 by the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic according to the law 83/1990 Zb. under the registration number VVS/1-900/90-26994.
- Official name: E@I (Edukácia@Internet)
- Type: Civic association
- SK NACE: 94992 Činnosti záujmových organizácií
- Founded: 2005
- Place of residence: Víťazná 840/67A, 95804 Partizánske (Slovakia)
- Office: Trenčianska 764, 018 51 Nová Dubnica (Slovakia)
- IČO: 42013551
- DIČ: 2022492879
- E@I’s bank account:
Account name: EAI
IBAN: SK83 7500 0000 0040 3004 1450
Address of the bank:
ČSOB Pobočka
Pod Hájom 952
018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia